Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What did the five fingers say to the temptation?

That's right Chick Fil A... Your delicious, warm chicken minis called my name this morning like a siren's song. We even had an extra order in the bag. Oops. You wanted me to eat you. I know you did. Your minis and your hashbrowns too... Well guess what Chick Fil A... SLAP!

Jimmy Dean sends his best regards...

In all seriousness... This is a big deal for me. Chick Fil A is like my own personal brand of crack. I freakin love Chick Fil A. In college, one of my favorite things to eat for lunch was a Chick Fil A sammich, waffle fries and a smoothie (looking back, is it any wonder that I gained 100+ pounds?). 

This morning I made my yummy Jimmy Dean turkey sausage sammich (yes that spelling is on purpose!) and I was craving a little sweet. In the interest of time, I had some vanilla yogurt. Of course I also had my bottle of water (along with my antibiotic). My carrots, granola bars, and Special K meal bar were packed and ready. On the way to work, Mom pulls into Chick Fil A and says, "I'm starving.. What do you want?" Crap on toast. What do I want?? Well, I really want an order of those minis and a spicy chicken biscut and some hashbrowns. BUT I DIDN'T ORDER THAT!!! Instead I asked for my normal lg Coke Zero and nothing else!

Yes Mr. Murray... I'm awesome!

How have you dodged temptation recently? (Remember, celebrate the small.. Every small step leads to a big step!)



  1. I really like Chick-fi-la too. Yum! I usually order the grilled chicken sandwich and a fruit cup. Definitely not the same as their spicy chicken sandwich but it does the trick. Sometimes I order the chargrilled chicken wrap. Temptation is really hard for me but only if it is cake or cookies. My favorite. I would rather eat cake all day than steaks. Ugh!! Good job on passing up the yummy food at chick-fi-la!

    1. I love the wraps! They are so good! It's easier for me to pass up sweets that anything else. My parents are both diabetic, so when they cut sugar out I cut back. It definitely helps.

  2. I love Chick fila too! Their grilled chicken sandwiches are 7 ww+ points or their grilled chicken salad is 5 ww+ and then depends on what dressing you have.

    1. That's not bad at all! I love the fruit cups.

  3. I give you props, chicken buscuits are so good! They will still be there when you hit your goal for a sometimes treat :)
