Tuesday, April 30, 2013

NEVER EVER EVER!! (A link up!)

I found this link up over at Alicia's fantastic page here. It's a link up with Neely over at A Complete Waste of Makeup.

Here is a long and distinguished list of things that you will never ever EVER hear come out of my mouth...

-I just love waking up at 6:00am!
-No Michael Buble, please don't sing me another song.. Your voice blows..
-Don't these peas taste divine?
-Bad grammar is so sexy! And it really makes me hot when you misuse the words your/you're and there/their/they're.
-I hate coffee! Coffee is gross!
-Please feel free to interrupt me when I'm talking. I don't mind at all!
-It's so attractive when you chew with your mouth open :)
-Nerdy guys with glasses? Ugh... So not cute... And he's a little chunky too? GROSS!
-I really don't feel like buying a new pair of shoes right now...
-I don't like my natural hair color anymore... I think it's time to go blonde!
-I don't like Cheetos.. They're bad for me.. And I hate the cheesy residue they leave behind.

That was actually pretty fun! Check out the other amazingness in the link up!